Les hélices pour refroidissement de moteurs de groupes électrogènes offrent une grande durabilité, fiabilité et une performance continue. Nos hélices sur mesure haute performance peuvent fonctionner dans des conditions extrêmes telles que des températures élevées et ont un faible niveau sonore.
Les hélices axiales sur mesure de Multi-Wing ont une déflexion de pale minimale et réduisent les pertes parasitaires. Ces solutions sont idéales dans les groupes électrogènes mobiles et fixes. Elles peuvent également être montées sur des vilebrequins.
Fan solutions must be able to withstand corrosive and humid environments. It is important to meet both mechanical and electrical specifications, as well as local conditions and operators' needs. Our strain gauge testing, ensures that our solutions live up to all durability needs by providing stress tests in the fan's end habitat, rather than at a test facility
Power generators are a source of back up energy, and therefore downtime is not an acceptable alternative. With the power generator operating 24/7/365, it is necessary to have high efficiency to lower the total cost of operation. With an optimized impeller design, that pushes air with ease at low effort, you are looking at lower power consumption, resulting increased efficiency
Gensets is a broad category, with a spectrum of different types of power generators, all with different requirements incl. material, temperature, impeller size. Multi-Wing is 100% customizable to any application, and can tailor material to temperature needs, and adjust impeller sizes